It Could Not Happen to Me?

“Dear Brothers and Sisters in CHRIST,
    You may have heard of this incident in Bountiful, Utah, or maybe not. This is just another incident we see on the news and it seems far away, naturally we move on because it didn’t affect us directly. We did not know anyone affected by this incident, nor have we ever heard of Bountiful, Utah.
    I was on vacation when this incident occurred. I did not hear of it until I returned to work and my co-worker told me about it. My co-worker, who I will call “Paul,” is Mormon and is has a son, daughter-in-law and six granddaughters living in Bountiful, Utah. I have them all when they have visited our office during holidays.
    Paul mentioned that his granddaughters were present during this incident at the school, the shooter’s family lives only blocks from their house and their family personally knows the shooter’s family.
    Why am I sharing this story with you today? Because I want to remind you that we must be ready to rest in the LORD every day, because in an uncertain world we have anchored ourselves in the ROCK JESUS. We do not have to live in fear, but we must live keenly aware that today may be our last or someone in our sphere of influence.
    Today we must not remain silent, we must tell the TRUTH, the Whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH; within the framework of LOVE. The Loving Truth is we all have choices and those choices inevitably result in Eternal Consequences. It boils down to doing our will or GOD’s Will. If we choose to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, we will never regret it.
    Regret is a terrible thing but regret is not repentance. To the younger ones among us, I warn you the devil your enemy wants to mess your life up so that you have only regrets not repentance. Your enemy satan knows if he can mess your life up at 15 then you may live a miserable existence longer than if he messes your life up at 25.
    If we have regret and would like repentance instead, all we have to do to turn our lives around 180 degrees is to surrender our will to GOD’s. Keeping in mind that HE has the Perfect Solution and Plan for our lives because HE is PERFECT. Let us ask GOD to give us HIS Strength to surrender our will to HIS. We must ask GOD for everything, we must not dare wake up and get out of bed without placing our will in HIS.
    Unfortunately, it is tragic that some of us never surrender our wills 100% to GOD and thus we will never know the Peace and Joy of HIS Love. Again I invite us all to choose to partake of the unlimited Blessings that come from surrendering our wills to HIM.

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